What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is yoga’s sister science and India’s ancient system of medicine. Its literal translation from Sanskrit, the language of Yoga and Ayurveda, is “the science of life”.

Two Goals of Ayurveda

The primary goal is to maintain health in the healthy by nipping any imbalances in the bud.  It is about prevention of disease.   Secondarily, it looks to alleviate and manage disease in the unhealthy. We achieve these two goals through diet, lifestyle, and culinary herbs.

image is Ayurveda is ancient personalized medicine

Ayurveda is Ancient Personalized Medicine

Each of us is born with a unique constitution or make up. Therefore, Ayurveda takes a highly personalized approach to health. It looks at the individual — mind and body — in order to determine what that person needs to restore balance and well-being.

What does that mean? What one person needs to deal with their digestive upset might be completely different than what another person needs. It’s not just the symptoms that determine the diet and lifestyle recommendations.  It’s everything about the person that determines them.

At the end of the day Ayurveda looks to return you to the “truth of you” by restoring balance to your unique constitution. Because a healthy you means you can do all that you’re meant to do in this world!

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